#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf:8 -*-import requests,sys,os,time
# 判断传值数知否匹配if len(sys.argv) == 3:passelse: print 'Usage: %s <monitoring_name> <interval_time>'%(sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(2)url = 'url地址'# 覆盖存放检测值文件def successful_state(): current = int(time.time()) interval = current + int(sys.argv[2]) file = open('/tmp/check_http_status_%s.txt'%sys.argv[1],'w') file.write(str(current)+'|'+str(interval)+'|'+'0\n') file.close()# 判断是否为json数据def status_json(): r = requests.get(url) status = r.status_code
try: r.json() print 'OK: The current return status %s, Data as JSON format.'%status
except: file = open('/tmp/check_http_status_%s.txt'%sys.argv[1],'r') read_file = file.read() file.close() read_file_three = read_file.split('|')[2] read_file_three = int(read_file_three) + 1 if read_file_three > 3: successful_state() print 'OK: The current return status %s, Data as JSON format.'%status
else: current = int(time.time()) interval = current + int(sys.argv[2]) file = open('/tmp/check_http_status_%s.txt'%sys.argv[1],'w') file.write(str(current)+'|'+str(interval)+'|'+str(read_file_three)) file.close() print 'WARNING: The current return status %s, The data is not a JSON format.'%status
sys.exit(1)# 获取链接状态码进行判断def check_status():
# 用异常处理来判断url是否可正常访问(没有链接返回码),超时时间为4秒 try: r = requests.get(url, timeout=4) except: print 'ERROR: Unable to display this page.' sys.exit(2) status = r.status_code
# 如果链接不等于200 先判断检测错误次数是否连续超过3次 如果超过三次则停止返回错误状态 否则返回错误状态 if status != 200: current = int(time.time()) interval = current + int(sys.argv[2]) file = open('/tmp/check_http_status_%s.txt'%sys.argv[1],'r') read_file = file.read() file.close() read_file_three = read_file.split('|')[2] read_file_three = int(read_file_three) + 1 if read_file_three > 3: successful_state() status_json() else: print 'ERROR: The current return status %s.'%status
file = open('/tmp/check_http_status_%s.txt'%sys.argv[1],'w') file.write(str(current)+'|'+str(interval)+'|'+str(read_file_three)) file.close() sys.exit(2) else: status_json()# 检测文件是否存在 如果存在 则判断当前时间是否大于指定的时间 如果大于 则正常检测 否则告知间隔时间def interval(): current = int(time.time()) interval = current + int(sys.argv[2]) file_path = os.path.exists(r'/tmp/check_http_status_%s.txt'%sys.argv[1]) if file_path == True: file = open('/tmp/check_http_status_%s.txt'%sys.argv[1],'r') read_file = file.read() file.close() read_file_two_value = int(read_file.split('|')[1]) if current >= read_file_two_value: check_status() successful_state() else: print 'From the next execution interval and %s seconds.'%(read_file_two_value - current) else: filename = open('/tmp/check_http_status_%s.txt'%sys.argv[1],'w') filename.write(str(current)+'|'+str(current)+'|'+'0\n') filename.close() print 'Run for the first time, will in the next run to get the data.'interval()